Poker is a group of card games, usually played by two or more people. Players try to make the best five-card hand or convince other players that they have a strong one. Although winning at poker can involve a slice of luck, it requires a great deal of skill in both the cards you hold and how and when you bet.
Each round of betting in poker begins when one player puts in a bet of one or more chips into the pot. Other players can call the bet by putting in the same number of chips; raise it, which means they are increasing the amount that they have put into the pot; or fold, meaning that they are giving up their hand and are out of the game until the next deal.
The order of poker hands is decided by the ranking of the highest-valued card in each hand. Thus, a royal flush beats four of a kind, and so on. If the two highest cards in a hand are of equal value, then the tie is broken by the rank of the lowest card in the hand.
While many people play poker in homes, some also play it at bars, restaurants, and online. The rules of poker are the same regardless of where and how you play, but there are some etiquette rules that should be followed at all times. These guidelines can help ensure that everyone is treated fairly and respectfully.