Study Session 2 – Food Allergy Symptom Remedies


Study Session 2 – Food Allergy Symptom Remedies

Food is any material consumed to give nourishment to an organism. The word ‘food’ is derived from the Latin words ‘agra’ meaning grain, and ‘nutrita’ meaning nourishment. Food is generally of animal, plant or fungal origin and has necessary nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, or mineral. It is the nutriments that provide the body with the energy it requires for normal functioning. Plants, such as plants, animals, fungi, microorganisms, and bacteria all have food components that are vital to life.

The five major food groups are animal foods; protein-rich vegetables; fruits; grains; vegetables; and other food. The majority of Americans consume more animal food than they eat food containing sufficient amounts of nutrients. Animal food contains higher concentrations of fat, salt, sugar, saturated fats, and antibiotics and preservatives than does food made from plants. The typical American diet usually lacks enough of the following essential nutrients: vitamins, especially Vitamin A, B, C and E; calcium, zinc, iron, magnesium, selenium, antioxidants, omega fatty acids and many other vitamins and minerals.

Plant foods provide a variety of vitamins and nutrients essential to good health, including animal proteins, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Foods from plant sources are usually lower in fat, salt, sugar, and saturated fats than those from animal sources, although the American diet contains more animal fat than plant food, primarily because of the increased consumption of meats, dairy products, and processed foods. The most nutritious food group is the carbohydrates, which are found in vegetables, whole grains, legumes and some fruits; and the least nutrient rich group is the fats, which are mainly found in some nuts, oil, processed oils, processed grains, and eggs.