Why Is Food Nutritious?


Why Is Food Nutritious?

Food is any material eaten to supply nutrition to the organisms. Food is generally of animal, plant or floral source, and comprises nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, or mineral ions. In the nutritional classification of food, protein, carbohydrate, fat, fiber and mineral ions are the principal constituents. The major groups of foods are carbohydrates, proteins, vegetables, fruits, legumes (such as beans), nuts, and fruits.

How we eat determines the type of nutrition that we will get from the food. Carbohydrates, including rice, pasta, cereals, bread, potatoes, fruits, vegetables, and seeds are the principal sources of energy in our daily life. Plants store food energy as starch, whereas animals store food energy as protein. Animal derives nutrition is mainly from proteins. Fruits and vegetables contain almost all the nutritional substances that human beings need, but because they are perishable they are not useful as food for daily consumption. Fruits, vegetables, and legumes are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

To get the maximum nutritional benefit from food, it should be chewed thoroughly. Chew the food thoroughly between the teeth, so as to break the tough coating inside. The best way to improve nutrition is to eat a wide variety of fresh fruits and raw vegetables daily. Include meat and whole grain foods in your diet, especially the complex carbohydrates like whole wheat bread and brown rice. Fresh fruits, whole grain breads and brown rice, together with fish, legumes (black beans and kidney beans), nuts, and avocados provide an excellent nutritional diet for maintaining good health, improving the immune system, and are maintaining a healthy weight.