Travel Tips – How to Avoid Travel Restrictions?

Travel is the transfer of individuals between different distant geographical locations. It can also be between countries or between cities within a single country, or it can even be within the same country but over a longer period of time. Travel is a very common activity that we see in many forms from business to pleasure, leisure to industry and from educational to occupational. With the help of travel we can share our experiences with others, strengthen our ties with friends and relations, explore new areas and destinations and build up a good reputation as a traveler.


The United States Department of State, in its “Trafficking in Persons report”, defines travel as the movement of individuals through any state or country for the purpose of illicit activity, including the transportation, possession, harboring, or receipt of money or goods for illegal purposes. The term of transportation refers to the duration of travel, while the terms of destination and mode of travel to refer to the means of transport. Based on the definition of trafficking, a single trip can become a higher risk trip if there are more than one persons involved in the illegal transportation. For instance, if two individuals abscond with a total of $40 million dollars between them, this would be considered a higher risk situation since it can lead to crime of passion or worse, trafficking which is defined as the transportation of persons for the purpose of sex tourism, forced prostitution, slavery and the like. Thus, according to the US Department of State, travelers who regularly travel to certain parts of the world may become a higher risk to the authorities due to their greater likelihood to encounter crime or face other serious consequences.

There are several ways to minimize the likelihood of being subjected to stricter travel restrictions. For example, travelers can make sure to take along proper personal items such as medications, first aid kits, sunscreen, hand sanitizer, travel documents, cameras, cell phones, laptop computers, video games, watches, jewelry, cash and a little bit of cash for change, a traveler’s checkbook and traveler’s check should always be in one place. Travelers can also check with airlines regarding their prohibited materials and harmful products that they provide for sale. In this regard, it is important to remember that airlines have strict rules and regulations regarding the sale of certain products that may be harmful to your health. Hence, it is advisable to do your own research and ask an airline about the items that cannot be taken onboard.